Vision for Australia

No one governs for purpose anymore, they govern for emotion.

I want this to change. I want us to have strong inspired and passionate leadership.

We need a Government for outcomes and focus on the people.

We need to set a playing ground that’s fair and let the people play and express the best vision for themselves.

We need to get back to what matters.

What I've done so far has come at a pretty significant cost financially and personally.

But I continue to do what I'm doing because I believe in you.

I think people were happier before because they had more ability to do what they wanted to do.

They had the ability to spend their money as they saw fit. They weren't taxed into oblivion.

And even though interest rates were high in some cases, they were able to cover the costs of those interest rates because there was plenty more spare money around for everybody.

Things were easier because we didn't have this big machine, this big machine sucking everything up and giving it to its mates. It's pretty simple. Some people are happy now, but it's not the majority.

“Young people should be afforded the same ability to own a home and have a family like their parents and grandparents were. People shouldn’t have to choose between paying the rent or mortgage and putting food on the table. It’s fundamental to the good working of any great society. We need the government out of the way”